How to administrate aliance info?
Text formatting
How to make a text Bold, Underlined or Italic?Use the following BBCode tags:
Bold: [b][/b], e.g. [b]Hello![/b]Appears as :Hello!
Underlined [u][/u], e.g.: [u]Hello![/u]Appears as :Hello!
Italic [i][/i], e.g.: [i]Hello![/i]Appears as :Hello!
How to change a color and size?
Mind that colors and sizes depend of the monitor and system settings. To change these, use the following tags: Color [color=][/color]. You can write the color name (red, blue, black etc) or use its hexadecimal value (#FFFFFF, #000000).
Example:[color=red]Hello![/color]Appears as: Hello!or[color=#FF0000]Hello![/color]Appears as: Hello!
You can change the text size using same method, but with help of [size=][/size] tag.
Example: [size=6]SMALL[/size]Appears as: SMALLor [size=24]HUGE![/size]Appears as:HUGE!
Can I combine tags?Yes, you can. E.g. to get someone’s attention you can write:[size=18][color=red][b]LOOK AT ME![/b][/color][/size]Appears as : LOOK AT ME!Mind that you must ensure that all tags are closed correctly. The following way is also correct :[b][u]Text![/b][/u]Appears as :Text!
The BBCode has few features to apply an URL into text. All links are shown into a new window upon click.The first one is [url=][/url]. The URL put after the = mark will turn the text between the tags into a hyperlink: [url=]Visit Bulfleet![/url]Appears as: Visit Bulfleet!?
If you want to show just the link:[url][/url]Appears as: http:\//
Same goes for e-mail address:[email][/email]Appears as: [](
Like all BBCode tags, you can apply more than one, e.g. [url][img][/img][/url] (look below), [url][b][/b][/url], etc.. Remember the correct tag order and close all. For example:[url=][img][/url][/img]- this is a wrong syntax, which may lead to a message deletion, so be careful!
How to add images in my message?First, mind that many users dislike too big pictures and also, ensure that the picture you want to show is uploaded somewhere onto a web-server. The BBCode tag is [img=] [/img]. Example: [img=][/img]Appears as: