

The Espionage is probably one of the oldest arts of war. When you develop in this area, your Spy probes will be able to get more accurate information from the enemy's planets. The development of this research will allow you to construct and use much better espionage sensors.

Level 8 of this research gives you the necessary technology to see with what type of ships you are being attacked, as well as how many ships of each type are in the current fleet.

The espionage works the following way: 3 or more levels difference in your favor you always get a full report. 2 levels difference in your favor - 0-9% chance to receive incomplete report. Difference +-1 level the chance varies with 30%.

The espionage levels determine if your opponent will receive SMS-alert upon launching an attack towards his planet or not. If you have lower or equal Espionage level than he has – he will, but if you are the one with the higher level, SMS-alert won’t be sent.

Requirements: Science facility(Level 3)

Maximal level of the research: 18


12001 000200
24002 000400
38004 000800
41 6008 0001 600
53 20016 0003 200
66 40032 0006 400
712 80064 00012 800
825 600128 00025 600
951 200256 00051 200
10102 400512 000102 400
11204 8001 024 000204 800
12409 6002 048 000409 600
13800 0004 000 000800 000
141 600 0008 000 0001 600 000
153 200 00016 000 0003 200 000
166 400 00032 000 0006 400 000
1712 800 00064 000 00012 800 000
1825 600 000128 000 00025 600 000

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