
![][image_ship_7_thumb_1] This is the highest class of battleship. The Goliath is produced to dominate over any other ship on the battlefield. It’s equipped with the latest war technologies of the empire – a large arsenal of proton torpedoes, lots of lasers and ion weapons and the heart of its fire power – a dual plasma gun. It guarantees the destruction of every ship from a lower class. The defense consists of multilayered titanium armor and two levels of plasma shields. Of course, there is the usual problem of ultra-weight. In testing only the ultra-speed engines delivered the required results. Six engines are necessary to make the ship move but even then it is quite slow and incapable of maneuvers.

Purpose: Battleship,Mega power


Attack13 500
Life140 000
Cargo2 200
Speed11 000
Fuel consumption900
Constructing time4000 seconds
Metal cost60 000
Minerals cost40 000
Gas cost11 600
Armor typeNormal
Armor power19%
Upgrade per level11%


  • Shipyard at level 9
  • Jet Engines at level 6
  • Hyperspace at level 5

Factory upgrades

145 00022 50010 00014 985155 400
290 00045 00020 00016 470170 800
3180 00090 00040 00017 955186 200
4360 000180 00080 00019 440201 600
5720 000360 000160 00020 945217 000
61 440 000720 000320 00022 410232 400
72 880 0001 440 000640 00023 895247 800
85 760 0002 880 0001 280 00025 380263 200
911 520 0005 760 0002 560 00026 865278 600
1023 040 00011 520 0005 120 00028 350294 000

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