
![][image_ship_7_thumb_1] This is the highest class of battleship. The Hornet is produced to dominate over any other сhip on the battlefield. It’s equipped with the latest war technologies of the empire – a large arsenal of proton torpedoes, lots of lasers and ion weapons and the heart of its fire power – a dual plasma gun. It guarantees the destruction of every сhip from a lower class. The defense consists of multilayered titanium armor and two levels of plasma shields. Of course, there is the usual problem of ultra-weight. In testing only the ultra-speed engines delivered the required results. Six engines are necessary to make the сhip move but even then it is quite slow and incapable of maneuvers.

Purpose: Battleship, Freezing


Attack8 600
Life85 000
Cargo1 000
Speed6 500
Fuel consumption600
Constructing time3615 seconds
Metal cost31 000
Minerals cost22 000
Gas cost7 000
Units cost1 Nemesis
Armor typeNormal
Armor power18%
Upgrade per level11%


  • Shipyard at level 6
  • Plasma Science at level 1

Factory upgrades

125 00015 0001 5009 54688 800
250 00030 0003 00010 49297 600
3100 00060 0006 00011 438106 400
4200 000120 00012 00012 384115 200
5400 000240 00024 00013 330124 000
6800 000480 00048 00014 276132 800
71 600 000960 00096 00015 222141 600
83 200 0001 920 000192 00016 168150 400
96 400 0003 840 000384 00017 114159 200
1012 800 0007 680 000768 00018 060168 000

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